Civil Engineering Basics related to Terminology

  • Sub-structure :-  Part of structure which is below the ground level is called substructure
  • Super-structure:- Part of structure which is above ground level is super structure.
  • Elevation – It’s the view which we can see when we stand right in front of the structure on any of the sides.
  • Plastering – A cement, sand and water mix applied on brick wall for smooth surface for painting.
  • Plinth level- The level on which the actual structure stands on.
  • Riser- The vertical height of single step.
  • Tread -The horizontal portion where we put our foot on which going on steps.
  • Going -The inclined portion of stairs.
  • Footing -The bottom most part of structure. These are categorized as Isolated footing, combined footing, Raft etc.
  • Columns -The vertical members of structure .
  • Clear cover - It’s the clear distance maintained from concrete face up to face of the reinforcement steel.
  • Effective depth - It is the distance from top of the concrete face upto the CG of reinforcement.
  • Singly reinforced section -A section of concrete member with reinforcement at only on tension face.
  • Doubly reinforced section – A section of concrete member with reinforcement on both tension and compression side.
  • Stirrups –Steel bent in closed shape of either Rectangular of circular shape. These are generally to hold column bars in position and also effective in shear carrying capacity.
  • Cantilever beam – A beam with fixed support on one side and the other end is free.
  • Propped cantilever – A beam with fixed support on one side and other end is with pinned support.
  • Pedestal – When Length of the member is less than 3 times in width then its called pedestal.
  • One way slab – When ratio of length to width is more than 2 its one way slab
  • Two way slab – When ration of length to width is less than or equal to 2 , its two way slab.
  • Slender column – when length to width ratio of column is more than 12 , then its slender column
  • Plain cement concrete (PCC) – The cement concrete mix provided on the ground level over which foundations, beams are constructed. This is simply a levelling surface.
  • Pile foundation – The foundation system with Piles i.e cylinder shaped reinforced concrete member.
  • Frog – A small Depression on top of brick. This is for proper bonding with other bricks.
  • Scaffolding – A temporary structure, when work needs to be carried out at higher elevations.
  • Retaining wall – A wall constructed to retain earth.


Best Regards
Rebecca Pearson
Editorial Manager