Research areas in chemical engineering


If chemistry is the central science, it comes as no surprise that chemical engineering underpins a broad range of technologies. We turn our expertise in producing and manipulating chemicals to energy, medicine, electronics and advanced materials with new properties


  • Catalysis and Reactions:

                      Understanding reactions and finding the most efficient pathways to biofuels and other important chemicals.


  • Biomolecular Engineering:

                      Discovering and applying the chemistry of life for medicine and more.


  • Cellular Engineering:

                   Understanding the chemical drivers of cell behavior and harnessing cells’ processing power.

  • Computing and Simulation

                   Refining theory and guiding experiments


  • Nanotechnology

               Applying new chemical behaviors at small scales.

  • Materials

             New properties for new devices and purpose.

  • Polymers and Complex Fluids

               Understanding soft matter.

  • Sustainable Energy

              Sustainable solutions for energy harvesting and storage.

  • Microfabricated Systems

                Electronics and ultraportable, accurate diagnostic tools





Angelina Pearson

Journal Coordinator